Spring Challenge!

We’re excited to announce the launch of our latest County Commissioner’s Challenge – the Spring Challenge.

This is a simple to follow challenge with lots of fun activities to do on your own, with your family or with your unit (or all three!)  To complete the challenge you need to do two activities from each of the following five themes: Earth Day, Spring Celebrations, Spring Outdoors, Spring Science and Spring Promise.

The activities are aimed at all ages and are linked to the Guiding programme for all sections. They can be completed in any order you like and you can download the booklet to keep track.

Badges are priced at 50p each, and will be available from the beginning of May.  For full details of the challenge and how to order badges, please go to our County Challenge page.

Sleep & Wellbeing

How much sleep do you get? Do you feel well rested when you wake up in the morning?

There’s a close link between sleep and wellbeing, so if you’ve been feeling a little more tired than usual, it could be because of a lack of sleep. The wellbeing team at Girlguiding Leeds have compiled some tips to get a great night’s rest!

  • Try to stay off screens for at least an hour before going to sleep – devices such as phones and laptops emit blue light which stimulates your brain, making it more difficult to wind down before sleeping.
  • Establish a routine that has you going to bed and waking up at similar times each day. This can help you have the right amount of good quality sleep regularly. 
  • Try forming some relaxing habits that prepare you for sleeping. Some of our favourites are: taking a warm bath or shower, drinking herbal tea, doing a short meditation or breathing exercise, reading a book, journaling or listening to some gentle music. Try some out and find out what works for you!
  • Make a sleep diary that tracks when you and how long you sleep can help you to identify where there might be problems with your sleep routine. Maybe you’ll see a pattern!
  • Look after yourself! Eating well, getting daily exercise and staying connected to friends and family can all benefit your sleep.

Let us know if you have any other sleep tips in the comments – we would love to hear about what helps you to wind down, but remember that different things work for different people at different times. There are lots more suggestions on the Mind UK website:


Happy sleeping!

Science from your sofa

We are really excited for our first County-wide virtual event on Saturday 6 March. With lots of STEM inspired activities for girls of all ages, there’s something for everyone.

Want to get involved?  No problem.

All you need to do is complete 6 activities, 1 from each of our colour sections!  You can choose your activities here:


Upload pictures of your efforts to this page, and get in touch if you would like a badge!

You don’t have to complete all the activities on 6 March, everything will stay open until  31 May.

Watch our videos here:


Achieving Awards with Girlguiding

Hi, I’m Sarah the Queen’s Guide and Duke of Edinburgh’s award co-ordinator for Girlguiding Leeds.  I’ve been a member of Girlguiding since I was a Brownie and been a Guide, Ranger, Young Leader and Guide leader, and I’m now a Ranger leader as well as an IT consultant.  

I did my Queen’s Guide and DofE awards through Girlguiding, and both are fantastic opportunities. My biggest lesson learnt is that if you’re going to do both, do them together! 

The Queen’s Guide award is the highest award you can work towards in Girlguiding. Although it is challenging, it’s achievable by anyone prepared to put in the effort. Through doing the award you will have the chance to develop your existing skills, learn new ones and have fun while contributing to both guiding and your wider community. Your achievement will be celebrated by Girlguiding locally and nationally and will look great on your CV. It’s open to Girlguiding members aged 16 to 25 and you have up to three years to complete it – but don’t worry, you can take a break if you need to. 

Poppy Bell, who finished her Queen’s Guide award in late 2020 said:

‘Recently completing my Queen’s Guide award marked the end of a crazy three years filled with learning how to play rugby, accessibility surveys, a trip to London, completing my Going Away With license and many a unit meeting all while making friends across Girlguiding. My advice for anyone wanting to start the award is, definitely do- you’ll love it!’ 

The Duke of Edinburgh’s award doesn’t have to be done with Girlguiding but we are a licensed organisation so you can register through us. It is an internationally recognised programme available to 14 to 24 year-olds. Like the Queen’s Guide award, it is an opportunity to discover new interests and talents, gain essential life skills and have fun.  

There are three levels available: 

  • Bronze – for 14 to 24 year-olds (or 13 and in the school year when you turn 14, so you don’t have to wait until your friends are 14). This level takes at least six months  
  • Silver – for 15 to 24 year-olds (or 14 and in the school year when you turn 15). The Silver award takes at least six months if you’ve completed Bronze, or twelve months as a direct entrant to Silver 
  • Gold – for 16 to 24 year-olds. This level takes at least twelve months if you’ve completed Silver, or at least eighteen months as a direct entrant to Gold 

If you’re working towards both your Queen’s Guide and Gold DofE awards, some activities can be counted towards both – just make sure you meet all the requirements. 

The most common question asked is ‘what about the expedition?’ Don’t let it put you off. It may be challenging (that’s the point of an impressive looking award), but it’s no longer just about walking a certain number of miles; it’s your award so you can make it your own. 

Even with lockdown restrictions, both awards are still running. If you’re interested and want to find out more or are ready to get started, please get in touch.  



Parkwood Division

Parkwood Division covers the Oakwood, Gipton, Osmondthorpe, Harehills and Roundhay areas of Leeds. There are 33 Rainbow, Brownie, Guide and Ranger groups, led by a team of fantastic volunteers. 

In early December, Parkwood division held a virtual panto-themed sleepover, with over 110 young members signing up for different activities throughout the weekend. Activities included snowflake making, storytelling, a laughing yoga session, watching the Girlguiding Sisterhood in the Wood pantomime, a Zoom-campfire, bingo, a quiz and plenty of Christmassy games. Teaching over 70 people to make pizzas from scratch over Zoom was certainly an experience for the leaders – but was loved by the girls. 

Aside from the division-wide event, we’ve been really proud that most of our groups have managed to keep in contact with their girls through post, email, some face-to-face outdoor sessions when we were able to and lots of virtual meetings. 

Guides from Parkwood division joined others from around the North East England region at the virtual International Community Experience (ICE) weekend, where they planned community action projects, had a virtual peer education session and took part in a cooking challenge.  As well as welcoming new girls into our units, a special welcome goes to Kate (6th Roundhay Rainbows) and Tally (6th Roundhay Guides) who have moved to the area as leaders. A special thank you also goes to Emily and Lesley who have taken over 7th Roundhay Rainbows and got the group going again with a term of fun and exciting Zoom sessions.