With the energy and fuel costs on the rise, this next year is likely to be difficult for families and units. It is important to look at your budget for the next year and plan ahead.
As an example,
A unit of 12 girls, with weekly rent of £15, providing no more than 2 programme badges per term would need to charge £31 per term (x3 times a year) just to stay afloat and pay subscription. That does not take into account things like: subscription for leaders, consumables, programme resources, equipment insurance, uniform, mileage ….
Units are advised to have a reserve of 3-6 months funds in the bank or enough to cover subscription for everyone so that the unit can continue to run if the income doesn’t match what was anticipated. Being a Girlguiding volunteer should not impact on your personal finances, no one should be propping up their unit from their own funds. It is important that the costs of running the unit are accurate so that a crisis can be prepared for and prevented.
Here are some things to consider when planning ahead:
Annual Subscription – is the unit going to cover the cost in subs or will families be asked to pay part or all of it? If you decide to charge families directly give them as much notice as possible as well as the opportunity to spread the cost.
Rent – Speak with the management of your venue to see if they are planning a change in rent. Do you have the space to offer more places for girls? Bigger units are more financially viable as the cost is spread. Can more than one unit meet at the same time in your venue to share the cost?
Badges and programme resources – Can the unit have a core stock of things like badge books to be borrowed or used in unit time rather than everyone needing their own copy? Do units in your division share resources, particularly as there is a lot of overlap between sections in the skill builder levels. If you need specific items to complete UMAs and Skill Builders why not borrow the Adventure Boxes from County. Share resources with other units and ask on social media for donations of paper and pens
Uniform – Can you set up a swop-shop within your division for second hand uniform or a local Facebook page for parents to share donations of uniform to new girls?
Gifts – Giving gifts can set a trend that not everyone can follow, unintentionally leading to embarrassment over personal circumstances. Try to keep in mind that the experience we offer is the gift, and promote that within your unit.
Girlguiding UK has a helpful budgeting tool that you can find on the link below;