Be Prepared in the New Year

As Girlguiding members, we’re always ready. Right?

Well, yes in theory, but with another exciting year ahead, we end up juggling, improvising and squeezing in any number of things at the last minute.

So what are the best ways to get organised in 2023?

Here are 9 tips to help you out:

1. Get a 2023 Diary and/or Calendar

This is a great way to keep track of your Guiding, work and home life.  With all the usual bank holidays, and important national dates, it’s a great way to stay motivated if you prefer to actually write important dates down and hang on a wall.

2. Share an e-calendar with your loved ones

Stay joined up by using a digital calendar too – if you share calendars, you can see what everyone’s up to while you’re on the move.  And stop missing those important dates!

3. Set aside an hour a week to review your commitments

Putting some time aside to check your commitments will help you stay on top of your time-keeping.  Can you really attend everything?  Could someone else go in your place?  Could you send apologies or perhaps meet two or three people at the same time?

4. Work out what’s important

Your time is the most precious thing you have.  Where can you make the biggest impact?  Identifying the important and urgent things is time well spent.  Don’t forget to factor in enough time for you and your family.  If you get burnt out, you’re no good to anyone.

5. Make time to plan, write some to-do lists!

Sometimes it can feel like you’re always fire-fighting.  Why not block out some time in your calendar to review your plans, hopes and ambitions?  Setting goals will make you feel more in control and beats just fighting the inbox.  It’s such a simple thing, but it really does work.  Make a to-do list, remembering to include some easy and achievable things, along with more challenging goals.  Tick them off and you’ll feel like you’re really getting somewhere.

6. Stay tidy and give important things a place!

You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘tidy desk, tidy mind.’  While we all work in different ways, there’s some truth in this.  Working in an uncluttered space will make you feel calmer and think more clearly.  So planning in a few regular clear out days is a good idea.  How much time do you lose searching for that document, book, or passport?  Make sure everything has a proper home, it will save you loads of time in the long run.  The same goes for your digital life.  If your desktop looks like someone has dropped a deck of cards, then why not create some folders and delete some old files while you’re at it?

7. Book some days off

Life isn’t a competition to be the busiest person you know.  It’s about balancing work and volunteering with you and your family’s own happiness and wellbeing.  Make some time to stop and stare and just appreciate life.  Book some time out – go on a family hike, a trip to the beach or just a bike ride on your own.  Put down your phone and recharge yourself.

8. Have some back-up plans

As we know, 2020 didn’t go how any of us planned, the world was turned upside down and as Girlguiding, well, we were forced to be suddenly even more innovative!  Having some back-up plans is a good habit to get into, whether attendance isn’t as you expected, the weather decided to be – British – or anything else that comes up unexpectedly.

9. Reflect on the last twelve months

What went well?  What would you do differently next year?  Did you have 12 productive months despite everything, or was it another year of mayhem?  The most important thing is that you had some fun, got things done and made a difference. If you did, then well done you.