What’s been happening in Wattlesyke

Our division is made up of units in Wetherby, Collingham, Clifford, Thorner, Boston Spa and East Keswick.

Many of the units have completed the 50th Birthday Challenge, which included completing acts of kindness, welly walks, edible campfires and so much more.

We finished off last year with lots of units doing residential visits with 6 units visiting PGL at Newby Wiske! We’ve also had units attend Curly Hill, Hazel House, and Robin Hole. This has provided a wealth of opportunities for independent learning, life skills, crafts, time with friends and lots of fun!

In the winter months, the Rangers and young leaders spent a night at Robin Hole in the snow, where they had lots of adventures, demonstrated their pyrography skills, used slack lines, night lines and toasted marshmallows – yummy!

We’ve had some Animal encounters  – one Brownie unit spent a meeting visiting Alpacas, they had a great time, and 2 other brownie units had a visit from the local hedgehog hospice. Whilst one of the Rainbow Units had a visit from Guide Dogs for the Blind, which was a great experience for girls to get up close to the animals while learning about the importance of guide dogs. 

We have a lot of inspiring leaders with 6 of our leaders being presented with long service awards at a county recognition event. These included a 40 year’s service, a 30 year’s service and four 20 year’s service. Locally, we awarded a handful of 5 and 10 year service awards.  For after their hard work at the Bold in Bramhope Camp last May, two of our leaders were further recognised for outstanding service with county commissioner’s awards. Lastly, several of our amazing leaders have been awarded with recognition pins for growing guiding, inspiring leaders, and being personal achievers. 

All of our Volunteers continue to work hard to provide lots of girls with exciting opportunities and interesting experiences to help them to grow, develop and know that girls can do anything!

The units are regularly working on programme based activities completing UMA’s and skill builders. We continue to see Bronze, Silver and Gold awards being completed which is a magnificent achievement of their dedication, commitment, and hard work.

We’re looking to keeping up momentum as we enter our summer period!