World Thinking Day 2025

Every year millions of members of a world-wide sisterhood of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts celebrate World Thinking Day – so what is it all about?

World Thinking Day is a celebration that has taken place on 22 February since 1926. It is a day that is special to all Girl Guides and Girl Scouts when they take time to think about each other and celebrate their sisters all around the world – that’s currently over 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 153 countries! It is a day of international friendship and provides the opportunity to speak out on issues that affect young women, as well as fundraising for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts across the world.

The day was created following the 4th world conference held in the USA in 1926. Delegates from Girl Guide and Girl Scout organisations from across the world decided to hold a day to think about others and celebrate being part of an international movement. They chose the date of 22 February because it was the joint birthday of Lord Baden-Powel, founder of the scout and guide movement, and his wife Olave, also an active member of the movement who continued running it after his death.

World Thinking Day is one of the most important dates in the guiding calendar. Each year there is a different theme to encourage members to think about the big issues affecting us and our global community. In the past we have considered subjects including poverty, gender inequality, environmental sustainability and access to education.

This year World Thinking Day is taking a new direction. As we prepare to celebrate the centenary of World Thinking Day in 2026 and the centenary of WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts) in 2028, we will be celebrating our movement through broad themes which explore our history, symbolism, people and future.

So, in 2025 we are looking at ‘Our Story’, reflecting on the symbolism and values of our movement we will be exploring what it has meant to be a Girl Guide and Girl Scout over the years. This includes exploring how we can understand our past in the world today, while supporting girls around the world to feel confident, care about their world and develop the skills needed to make a difference.

Here in Leeds our young members will be celebrating World Thinking Day in many different ways, from small acts of kindness to holding large events for all young members to have fun. Look out on our social media channels for pictures and stories.

To find out more about World Thinking Day and to download the activity pack, go to:

For more information about WAGGGS, go to: