The Rainbows, Brownies and Guides from Tarnheights Division have planted a hundred trees from the Woodland Trust at the local Parkinsons Park along the Jubilee walk, as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy project. We planted elder, blackthorn, hazel, dog rose and rowan.
The girls brought their parents or leaders to help armed with spades. The ground wasn’t the easiest to drive a spade into and two Brownies teamed up to solve this problem. With a foot on each side of the spade and arms wrapped around each other, they used their combined strength to push the spade into the earth.
Parkinsons Park had also been given some daffodil bulbs to plant which they asked for us to plant too.
We look forward to revisiting Parkinsons Park in the spring to see how the trees are doing and all the daffodils that will have popped up to let us know spring is here.