Homeschooling & Wellbeing

At Girlguiding Leeds we have a Wellbeing Team who have volunteered to support our leaders and other volunteers on mental health matters. They will be gathering together resources and sharing tips & ideas to help all our members.

From 1 -7 February this year, it is Children’s Mental Health Week, so here the team share some homeschooling tips for parents:

Tips for parents homeschooling children and supporting wellbeing

Homeschooling can be difficult for parents and children. To make things easier and more enjoyable for everyone, it’s best to establish a positive environment at home.

1. Distinguish between weekdays and weekends, to separate school life and home life.

2. Designate a working space if possible.

3. Create and stick to a routine with start and finish times. Children could eat breakfast at the same time each morning and get dressed before starting the school-day.

4. Make time for exercise, breaks and lunch throughout the day.

5. Stick a timetable up on the wall so everyone knows what they should be doing when, and tick tasks off when completed.  Remember, expectations need to be realistic given the circumstances. Include outside activities and device downtimes to keep everyone active!

6. Celebrate success! Encourage children to share their learning with family members, school friends and teachers via e-mail or their school learning platform. Give positive feedback as much as possible!

7. Keep in email contact with the class teacher as you and your children may need help with accessing or completing tasks. Teachers will help as much as they can by adapting them or providing support.

8. And finally, congratulate yourself on a job well done!  Be kind to yourself – you are not an experienced teacher nor does your child’s school expect you to be! You are doing your very best in an extremely challenging situation and supporting your child’s wellbeing now is the priority.

Remember, it’s important for you to not overstretch yourself and take care of your own mental wellbeing. 

Abbeywood Adventures

Abbeywood Division includes Meanwood, Headingley, Kirkstall and Armley. We are a fun division with 27 units including Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. Our groups are led by a team of enthusiastic leaders who usually enjoy taking their girls on adventures.

Like everyone else, we’ve been unable run sleepovers and camps because of covid – but we’ve still found ways to keep our units running and welcome new young members into our groups.

Some groups met outdoors face-to-face (whilst we were allowed) in local parks and did various activities including learning to use a compass, having a picnic, going seed collecting with a park ranger, making kites, and playing hide and seek in the woods. There was even a ‘camp day’ at the local Scout campsite, where girls lit fires with flint and steel, toasted marshmallows, built dens and played a wide game.

Other units have been meeting on Zoom, with activities including baking, craft, percussion workshops and games nights. One group even made fruit crumbles over video call (which was as interesting as it was fun!), whilst another had an evening of animal encounters – meeting a snake, parrot, tortoise and tenrec!

Some groups have been providing activity packs for their girls, with challenges ranging from finding out about strokes to creating pictures from natural objects.

Volunteers in the division have been busy too, attending virtual first response refreshers and Safe Space trainings to ensure they can continue to provide safe meetings for their members.